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What We Do

The Brower Dellums Institute for Sustainable Policy Studies and Action explores Nature and Human Nature at scales from the wellbeing of a young child, to the social formation of our cities, to how we plan sustainable and thriving global outcomes for our human enterprises. The Institute focuses on connecting the dots between sectors because human and all ecological systems include an interplay between everything and everybody all the time.

The Institute helps initiate and manage funded community-based projects and conducts action research that integrates multiple sectors, primarily at local levels. It hosts local, regional and international conversations through formal and informal meetings, seminars, conferences, courses, and publications.


Some sectors we have linked together:

  • Social psychology

  • Physical and mental health

  • Urban planning, design, craft and technology

  • Culture

  • Education

  • Environment

  • Policy, equity, and economy

  • Community and citizen diplomacy and science


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Robin Freeman

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David Ralston

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Beth Teper 

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Anita Gavini

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Steve Rauh

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Marquita Price


Honomi Ijima


Erica Mitchell

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Karen Palacios

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Rocio Marisol

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Criselda Cruz

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To-Minh Diep

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Stephanie Sandoval


Ayano Jeffers-Fabro

© 2020 Brower Dellums Institute for Sustainable Policy Studies. 

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